KOREDA dance festival
KOREDA is an annually dance festival in October in Inderøy, Norway. Since the start in 2011 we have gone from being a small-scale festival with only three performances with local artists in the first year, to becoming a more extensive festival with many more performances programming national and international artists as well as local professionals. The festival also includes performances by amateurs, social events, workshops, seminars, and other public activities.
The festival has through the years used many different local arenas, from the traditional stages at Inderøy Kulturhus to more non-traditional spaces such as Coop Ekstra, church rooms, out-door-performances, barns and disused shop premises. AKSET and Inderøy kulturhus is a central partner with its two stages (black box and main stage) as well as other suitable spaces for showings and workshop activity.
From KOREDA 2021. «HOOP» by Roza Moshtaghi/De Naive. Photo by Janne Amalie Svit.
KOREDA embraces a wide range of activities, and we like to particularly engage children and young people. The festival presents dance and performing arts to the population in the northern part of Trøndelag.
Since its start, the festival has developed local collaborations and contributes to diversity and inclusion. We want to continue to develop KOREDA as a leading quality festival with dance and performing arts. The festival offers the regional audience both activities that they can relate to, as well as more innovative and challenging art experiences.
The festival is an arena where we create a comfortable framework around unfamiliar expressions that encourage curiosity and wonder. We will continue to reach out to different groups in the society to widen our audience. This will strengthen KOREDA and help ensure that the public in the district has access to innovative performing art.
From KOREDA 2021. SOFT ENCOUNTERS #1 with Terje Tjøme Mossige. Photo by Janne Amalie Svit.