Den polske koreografen Renata Piotrowska-Auffret tilbake i residens i august
Renata jobber ofte med feministiske problemstillinger i arbeidene sine. Et feministisk perspektiv er igjen til stede i denne nye forestillingen, denne gangen er fokus rettet mot livmoren, hysteri og den aldrende kvinnekroppen. Her er hennes egen beskrivelse av prosjektet:
The new creation of Renata Piotrowska-Auffret is the fifth performance from the series PRIVATE PIECES, which deals with politics of the female body. This time with humor, distance and care, the womb is the context, a material and a subject at stake. The personal urgency of the choreographer is a desire to relate to this organ through its aging - through aging of a female body.
«Migrantes uteri» means «travelling uteruses» in Latin. Through centuries, wombs were at a central point of observations and theories connected to female behavior, out of the so-called norms. The main thought was that the uterus is a moving animal and that older women have bigger problems with it. All the concepts that existed, travelling through ages, were actually related to a control of this female organ.
How can we free ourselves from the historical and contemporary theories which tries to capture our female essence? Is it possible? Is it needed? How can we own history and migrate to another reality where we use the time we have left the way we want?
The photos are from our residency in June in House of Utopia - International Empathy Center in Cracow.
Photos made by: Karolina Wycisk, Pipa Piwosz